iran, Society

The tribunal


We are in a tribunal which looks more like a huge amphitheater. Everyone is staring to the first row where all the criminals are seated. I don’t know anyone around me, but I feel that we all share the same anguish. It is cold. Although I can not hear very well but I try to listen to the judge. The first case is a simple case, the guy, whose picture is shown on a wide screen, has to divorce his wife and give her half of his house. I feel happy that for once, wives’ rights has been protected. I think to myself that the judge is not that bad after all. But we are not there for a divorce case, we are there to find out what will happen to our friend Hossein. I try to find him in the first row but I can not see very well. My primary senses are betraying me.

Next case gets more serious, the guy is charged with espionage and condemned to death. I shiver inside. I start crying. I don’t know what is going to happen next. Will I have the courage to sit and listen? I finally can see Hossein. He is weak and thin. His mother puts a sort of a blanket on his knees and gives him a hug. She is trying to be strong. I feel my head is going to explode. I want to cry but there are no tears. There is deafening ringing in my ears. I force myself to open my eyes. I finally open my eyes. The nightmare is over, at least for now.

Every day passes and we still don’t have a news from Hoder. I am getting really scared. He, as any other man (or woman) accused of something has a right to have a lawyer and to have a fair trial. So far none of this has happened. While we are sitting here and not knowing what to do, a life can be perished in the dark prison cell. How horrible life can be.

News about his arrests: